I love those random ass surveys people send to their friends or post up on MySpace. I gathered up some from three surveys on my MySpace bulletin board and chose the questions I liked and thought would let you all know a little more about me. I post it here, because I dont like posting stuff on MySpace. This is a crazy long post, but I don't care.
If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as?
Poor graduate student.
What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger?
Ketchup, mayo, pickles, one slice of tomato, lettuce, two thin slices of red onion
You are chosen to have lunch with the President. The condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask?
Did it hurt when I hit you just now with this 2x4?
What is your concession stand must-have at the movies?
milk duds melting in popcorn
What do you think Captain Hook's name was before he had a hook for a hand?
Lieutenant Hand
Rock, paper, or scissors?
Rock on!
Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?
Too loud, sonny. Turn that dern radio down!
At the good old general store, what particular kind of candy would you expect to be in the big jar at the counter?
What is the most distinguishing landmark in your city?
St. Luke’s Medical Towers in the medical center look like two big syringes.
Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other?
business, economics, such and s...zzzzzzzzzzzz
You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second?
I’d punch you in the face and take both.
If you had to choose, which would you give up: cable TV, or DSL/cable internet?
I gave up cable TV for you
What is your highest level of Education?
Master of Shit
How much is a gallon of gas in your city?
What would you rather have, a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur?
housekeeper, but it better not be that damn Tony Danza
Lets say a brick fell on your foot, and your kid is standing right next to you, what is your 'cleaned up' swear word?
Ah, shit mother fucker. You didn’t hear me say that.
What are your siblings MIDDLE names?
Allan, “Xander” hehehee
What is something you've learned about yourself recently?
I am capable of more than I think.
What color is your watch?
I don’t have a watch.
What time of day were you born?
dunno, I didn't have a watch
Where were you at midnight last night?
On my couch wishing I didn’t live alone so someone could go buy me some Nyquil and chocolate.
What is your most attractive feature?
My eyes
What's your favorite number?
Do you know anyone named Damien?
I know the devil quite well
Do you have a dog?
Kane is my long distance dog.
Did anything bad happen to you in 1993?
No, that was a pretty good year. I applied for college that year.
When was the last time you went swimming?
Two summers ago my apt complex pool. It was hot and like swimming in someone’s spit. NOT refreshing. Fucking Houston.
When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
Yesterday I talked to both.
Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Horseback riding day camp
Do you like fire?
Fire bad! Except when it comes to cooking. Whatever with raw food. I believe in fire.
Are you allergic to anything?
Spring pollen makes me itchy and sneezy. Penicillin gives me a rash. MSG and calcium proprionate give me headaches
When was the last time you cried?
3 hours ago
Have you ever been to a spa?
Yes. It was weird. I’m not really a big fan of touching.
Do you like butterflies?
Not if they touch me.
What is the last book you read?
I’m in the middle of Heat by Bill Buford. Sounds kinky, but it’s just about cooking.
Do you like Coke or Pepsi more?
Pepsi, definitely
Did you ever see the school nurse?
Yes, my uterus hurt.
Are you jealous of anyone?
Is anyone jealous of you?
Doubtful. Maybe homeless people. I dunno.
Ever been stuck in an elevator?
Yes. I pressed the red button for assistance and the guy kept talking about his girlfriend. And I was like, “can I just get out?”
What does your dad call you?
My dear daughter-o. Which is spanish for "my dear daughter", or so he says. We don't speak spanish. Or as he would say, "We no speak-o spanish-o".
What does your mom call you?
Aileen but it sounds like “I-len”
What have you eaten today?
chicken sammich, fries, diet coke (yick) from mcdonalds, and a slice of lasagna pizza from pizza hut. I know, gross, but I’m sick and I get to eat what I want!
Favorite color?
What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
BBQ sauce, honey, sweet chili sauce
What is your favorite type of food/cuisine?
most everything except japanese
Were you a boy/girl scout?
No I’ve always been anti-joining crap and wearing uniforms.
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
If the magazine were called, “I want to vomit”
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
Back when I had my horse and buggy and we dropped it off at the general store.
Best thing for breakfast?
kielbasa, bagels, cream cheese, and mom’s potato and onion frittata
What is your usual bedtime?
Anywhere between 12 and 3
Are you lazy?
Am I!
Do you read the newspaper?
I read snippits of news online. I'm too lazy to read full articles.
How many languages do you know?
Hmm, one and a quarter. English, a little Spanish, and even less Tagalog
You have any magazine subscriptions?
No but I like Cook’s Illustrated, Prevention, and Yoga Journal
Which are better Legos or Lincoln Logs?
Red wine or white wine?
Neither. Can I just have some water?
Favorite season?
Fall. Houston doesn't have a Fall. Fuckin Houston.
Favorite TV channels?
PBS, nerd!
Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
Ever used a gun?
Nope, and I hope I never do
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Doctor. Now I have dreams of being a jewelry maker, artist, yoga instructor, college professor, elementary school art teacher, high school science teacher, professional blogger, cytogeneticist, and most of all, mama.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I believe in the afterlife and parallel universes
Are you superstitious?
a little.
Take a vitamin daily?
No. I’d rather eat.
Wear a bath robe?
Yes, I have three to choose from and wear them rather than real clothes around the house.
What do you wear to bed?
underpants, a tshirt and a big foam “You’re #1” Hand
First concert?
Adam Sandler. Yeah, weird huh? What can I say, I likes my musical comedians. Can’t wait to see Stephen Lynch.
Favorite genre of music?
Hmmm… eclectic folk and funk kinda stuff I guess. Hard to say.
Any tattoos?
nope, i'm not that cool
Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?
Walmart’s cheap and I’m going to hell, I know. I’m sorry sweatshop children!
Nike or Adidas?
I don’t care. What’s on sale? And which has a shoe that is blue, white, and gray?
Fritos or Cheetos?
Fritos are more versatile and don’t make your fingers orange.
Ever heard of "gorp?"
Yeah. I’d rather have cashews and dried apricots though.
Ever heard of spuba?
No, and I don’t think I want to.
Ever take dance lessons?
Yes, ballet as a wee toddler and ballroom as a wee undergrad.
Is there a profession that you picture your future/current spouse having?
Bajillionaire. Or writer.
Ever won a spelling bee?
No, I intentionally misspelled because I couldn’t take the pressure.
Tea or coffee?
Tea, only if you make it right with whole leaves and in a French press. But my favorite kind of coffee is regular drip brew with lots of sweetner and creamer, as long as it’s fresh.
Favorite kind of cookie?
Chocolate chip with M&M’s
Can you swim well?
Only well enough to save my life for a few minutes.
Are you artistic?
Yes. I’m in the wrong field.
Best room for a fireplace?
In the bedroom near my $240 worth of pudding.
Have you ever gone fishing?
Yes, but I don’t do the actual fishing. I’m afraid of sharp objects flying through the air and impaling me in the eyeball.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Adorable AND Disturbing! Can't beat that deal
It's even more disturbing when you learn that the title of this painting is 'I asked for scrambled'.
But what goes great with eggs? Ham of course!
Everybody loves ham.
These paintings are from http://www.lukechueh.com/.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
RIP Ann Richards, Former Texas Governor (1933-2006)
"Poor George (H.W. Bush). He can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth."
- Ann Richards at the Democratic National Convention in 1988
- Ann Richards at the Democratic National Convention in 1988
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Guess what my next henna tattoo will be!
Edward is beginning to train as a tattoo artist and mentioned to me a new fad in tattoos.

Also, there are Tear Tattoos:
pictures from http://www.needled.com/archives/2005/09/finger_mustache.php
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Wash your feet, dirty girl

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