So, the program I'm affliated with in school is looking for a new logo. The current one is kinda sad looking. Very...Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Only I guess this would be Charlie Brown's DNA. 
I don't have the passionate hate others in the program have for it, but I admit, it is lacking. And I'd happily design something new just because I love this sort of thing. We're thinking of making program tshirts too, so this little fragment just won't do. We need something that has impact and clearly represents a human and molecular genetics program.
So, I designed this. 
I think it's pretty. It can be simple in black and white and even simpler and stylized if the bases (rungs) are removed. But it also has potential for lots of color. I made a colorized sketch but it ended up looking super gay because the backbone was purple and the 4 bases were red, blue, yellow, and green. Way too rainbow. Perhaps if the backbone weren't purple, it wouldn't be too gay. Anyway, I don't care too much about the color. I don't terribly care about the lettering for the name of the program either. I don't have any clever font ideas for that.
My only concerns with the drawing:
1) the person (it's a woman, by the way. look at those hips! and the angle of the arms!) appears trapped inside the helix. My coworker said it could represent the fact that we're stuck with the genes we're given. I'll take that, sure.
2) the position of the arms make it look like she's saying, "Eh, I don't know". But the position is typical anatomical position, so I'll take that, too. Sometimes it looks like an accepting, welcoming arm pose, so that's pretty good, too.
Well, I hope this gets chosen with great enthusiasm. If not, one of my lab mates have already expressed an interest in getting nerdy tshirts with this on it anyway. I've got iron-on transfers so that might happen regardless. So, all is pretty good.
Oh, one more thing. I drew this by hand with guidance from illustrations off the internet. It combines a number of different drawings, none of them with the particular idea of a person inside a helix, so I feel this is unique. The only bad part of the process was that I TOTALLY SUCK at photoshop, so if any ahem, EXPERTS in the field would like to teach me, I am a willing student.