Sunday, November 27, 2005

Is 'Material Girl' a Christmas carol?

When the Black Friday lists came out a few weeks ago, I got a little excited over the rumored discounts. I had fleeting thoughts of getting up at the butt crack of dawn and joining the masses of crazy shoppers. They were indeed fleeting. I'm not fond of getting trampled for stuff I don't REALLY want but would buy because it's on sale! So, I've decided to go the online route. There are some presents for which I'll go to actual stores, but screaming, "Why aren't all of you people dead and out of my way!!!" is not the way to spread Christmas joy.

I've made my wishlist. If any of you are so inclined to be so utterly kind, give it a look (and all of you need to let me know if you too have set up a wishlist or have something in particular in mind--don't be shy!). But to be honest, the best gift will just be the chance to go home and see your lovely faces. And for those of you I won't see, so sad. We'll have to work on that. By the way, I've booked my flight and I will be arriving home on Tues evening Dec 20 and will be there until the evening of Jan 2.

Oh, and my favorite Christmas song is 'Blue Christmas' by Elvis Presley. LOL. "A-huh-huh-huh..." hahahaha!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

The Wish List is such a great idea... I will definately check it out. As for the baby, her registry is pretty much up to date, we are still discussing the bedroom theme, but as far as I know everything is correct to date. Let me know if you have any questions... Thanks