Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Beaded Blue and Silver Snowflakes

Here's my wreath for the "Decorate and Donate" silent auction at work. Money raised goes to patient families. Not bad for my first attempt at wreath decoration. (Kinda sucks that you can't see the three other beaded snowflakes very well, but it ends up being really pretty and sparkley when there is decent light.)

Cost of supplies: $10

Burn cream for my hot glue accidents (owie!): $5

Helping out a cancer patients and their families during the holiday season: Priceless

(all together now!) Aaaaawwwwwww!!!!! so sweet.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty. Hope your hand is ok.

Aileen said...

Thanks :) My hand is fine now. I will hot glue ANOTHER DAY!