This is from Why is Wonder Woman dressed up as Zod? She wasn't even in Superman.
See, straight out of the Zod and crew wardrobe.

Even the guys had the puffy sleeves.
Now, was Linda Carter dressed like this at the Superman premiere? As an homage to the Superman movies of old? Did someone trick her into thinking everyone else would be dressed up as their favorite Superman character?
Upon closer inspection, there are what seem to be pirates in the background of that red carpet photo. Maybe it's the Pirates of the Carribean premiere and Linda Carter is just a huge freak.
Some people are freaks. Especially those from planet Houston. (Pronouced Hoo-ston)
"Come to me, Superman! I defy you! Come and kneel before Zod!"
Did you know that Houstonions actually pronounce it Youston? They don't like H's in general. Like there is a town nearby called Humble. They pronounce it Umble.
Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.
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