My friend Jennifer went to California wine country some months ago and picked up some sea glass on a beach. Back in the day, people would just throw their trash into the sea. This would include wineries and their broken bottles. Over time, the sea and the sand softened the sharp edges. Good thing too, because I made jewelry out of them. Bloody wrists and necklines just aren't vogue these days.
I used 22ga sterling silver wire to wrap the glass and 20ga sterling silver for the jump rings that link the pieces. The only parts that aren't sterling are the clasps because I'm too poor and lazy to get some. And of course the necklace deerskin leather strap (much softer than most leather necklaces). I should have used 24ga to wrap because my fingers hurt after all that wrapping. But I wanted the bracelet to be really strong.
This is actually a second try at making a bracelet for Jennifer with her sea glass. The first one I made had weak links and wraps and it was not long before stones fell out and she lost the whole thing. I'm confident with these new ones, but ya never know. I hope she likes them.
I just absolutely love it. Wish I had the talent (and patience).
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Jennifer liked it too and it fit! She has teeny wrists.
But it once you know what you want to do with the beads, stones, or jewels, it doesn't take much time to assemble stuff. In about an hour you can have a one of a kind necklace and matching earrings.
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