Friday, March 17, 2006

Do the ipod shuffle

I received an iPod shuffle yesterday, courtesy of Goo and Sara. How cool is that? Actually, too cool for me. I would have never gotten an iPod. I don't really listen to music enough to warrant spending that much for a player. But this shuffle was actually FOUND by Sara and given to Goo after he begged to have it. But he gave it to me since the two of them already have iPods and I was kind of complaining that I don't really have a source of entertainment while I exercise.

Goo left about 100 of his songs on it. We have similar tastes, more or less, so it was all good. I put the surprisingly chunky apple ear buds into my ears and had a few thoughts:

1. The shuffle looks like a Barbie toy and I kept accidentally pulling the earphones out of the jack, despite the company's obession with good design.
2. I forgot how much I like music.
3. It takes a while to regain rhythm while dancing if you haven't danced in a long time. Good thing I was dancing alone in my living room.
4. I never realized Peter and the Wolf was so good for headbanging.


Edward said...

I like the ipod shuffle. Its the cheap way of having an ipod. I'm not sure where I put mine. But they are good for working out and it doesnt matter too much if you drop it. Its plastic and the size of a stick of gum.

Edward said...

Bishop ate my earbuds by the way.