I'm 26 today.
Happy birthday Albert Einstein! When you were 26, you were a mere clerk at the Vienna Patent office. In your spare time, you wrote three papers (Brownian motion, special relativity, and photoelectric effect) and declared it your Miracle Year. One of those papers, the one on photoelectric effect and the one I know the least about, won you the Nobel Prize.

Happy Pi day, nerds! It's 3/14; start celebrating at 1:59.
Happy Steak and BJ day! Kinda gross. But don't you think it's a funny coincidence that it's also Pi day? You know, you could eat a steak...and some pie. Hahahaha...euphemisms. That's pretty gross, too.
Ew. Warrant.
I think I'll celebrate by having messy hair like Einstein (right! like it doesn't come naturally for me), eat a big juicy steak, followed by a slice of pie, and maybe watch some M*A*S*H.

Who doesn't like BJ?
Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday Aileen!!!!!!
Although I've been thinking about your presents and card etc for like 2 weeks now they will both still manage to be late. Something that was supposed to arrive today will now arrive tomorrow. And since I'm retarded, your card, all stamped and ready to go (since Friday!) is still sitting here on my desk.
But Happy Birthday! Have fun with your steak and your cake (but hopefully not at the same time).
Yay you just turned one year older! I hope you have the most wonderful day ever.
And as we Norwegians say it:
Hurra for deg som fyller ditt år, ja deg vil vi gratulere!
Hipp Hipp Hurra!
Have a Happy Birthday and Pi day and Steak day and well while we're at a Happy BJ day as well!!! Jesus why do they put so many things on one day...they could have at least spread it out alittle there are 364 more days left in the year!! Happy birthday anyway!! Wish you were here!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy BIrthday AiReen! Hope you have a good birthday. Enjoy some birthday pie for me!
Hanne - I've been trying to phonetically annunciate that norweigan sentiment, but...uh...yeah, I dont think that's gonna happen. Thanks though :D
and by the way everyone, the picture i got of Mike Ferrell, aka BJ Honeycut, makes me crack up every time I scroll down. Hope i get you all to laugh a little too.
Haha! I love to hear Americans speak Norwegian.
The translation is:
Hurrah for you who turned one year older, yes, we want to congratulate you. Hipp Hipp Hurrah!
And yes it is a song. We all stand in a circle around the birthday kid and look stupid doing different moves ;)
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