Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff

Here's a cool place called Etsy. It's like ebay for handmade stuff. If I ever start selling jewelry, I might sell it here. You get your own 'store front' and set your prices. And there's a whole bunch of cool stuff for sale. AND the webdesign is just awesome. You can shop by color (really it just finds things by the colors in the photo of the item; so if the photo has an unintentional green background hue, it will still come up when you click on the green dot). And when you click on item thumbnails you can throw them around like you're chucking photos across the room.

Here are a couple of things I like (in other words I'll probably copy them. Though I wouldn't copy and then sell them. That wouldn't be cool.)

Birds nest necklace. I think this is just beautiful, but I'm not really into birds. Or their eggs. Plus it falls into the category of "I won't buy jewelry that I know I can make myself". I think it would make a nice gift for a mommy.

Soldered glass pendants by LingGlass. I could make these if I had the tools, but I don't. Plus it involves soldering which involves hot things and I just don't trust myself not to burn down my apartment. These pendants are really pretty and would be great to make if you had some stationary with a pretty print. I mean, you don't actually use pretty stationary to write stuff on, do you? When's the last time you got a letter in the mail? I wonder though, if the pendants are very heavy or very breakable?

Have fun browsing and why don't ya buy me something for the hell of it? :D

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