Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Another random veggie post

A couple of days ago I tried another "new" vegetable. "New" because I've eaten artichokes before plenty of times - jarred and in dips. But this time around I bought fresh ones and had to Google "how to eat an artichoke".

It was pretty tasty and really simple to cook. I just steamed it in the microwave for 8 minutes after trimming the top and bottom. But eating it was a lot of work for the amount of food you get, much like crabs. But I love both so I don't mind the work. Plus it's nice to take a nice long time to eat a veggie while watching t.v.

Since I had never eaten a fresh artichoke before I was a little afraid because there are a lot of parts you're not supposed to eat. I thought I'd choke and die and since I live alone nobody would notice. But really, why give a veggie a name like artiCHOKE? Bad marketing if you ask me. That's like having foods called Stabbycarrot or Deathlettuce or Heartattackburger. Wait, I'd still probably eat Heartattackburger. Sounds pretty good.


Aileen said...

LOL yeah, I've seen that before. That's just disgusting. Just nasty. I can't even eat a Monte Cristo. You might as well wash down a donut sandwich with a glass of lard.

Andrew said...

Homer- Bart you better butter that bacon.

Rachel said...

I think that was Luther Vandross' favorite food-which explains alot...what to soon??!!!??