Sunday, April 09, 2006

Jumped on the MySpace bandwagon, sorta

I have a Friendster profile (but at the moment I don't recall my login info). And now I have a MySpace page . Neither interest me much but I like to be found by old friends and whatnot. But don't expect me to update those pages. I have this blog and update it pretty often. Well, as often as mildly interesting things occur, and sadly, that ain't too often. *sigh* sad. LOL.
And you, dear reader, don't have to sign up to read this.

So if you have found this blog through MySpace or whatever, howdy to you. And if you're surprised that I never told you about the blog before this, well, you probably already know I like to keep things to myself. Ok, so the internet isn't the greatest place to be secretive, but hey, it worked this long.

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