Thursday, December 01, 2005

Kinda Slow

I check several blogs pretty much everyday and everyday I hope there is a new entry on each site.

I even do that with this blog. But then I remember that it's MY blog.

I'm a tish-bit slow sometimes.

Sorry folks, as for an actual post, I got nuthin.

In the meantime, here's a picture I took near Rice University of a sign for the similarly retarded (just in case you couldn't figure out the long strip of concrete next to the road).


Edward said...

THats just retarded.

Hanne said...

I don't get it.. ?!? It probably is retarded, but maybe I'm even more retarded. You know those signs that say Ped Xing? I always thought it was some kinda weird Chinese. Until I tried to say it out loud and realised what it said... :D

Aileen said...

hanne- you usually don't need a sign to tell you that "this is a sidewalk" much like you probably don't need signs that say "this is a road" or "this is a building". unless, of course, you're really retarded.