Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Luck be a lady....a bitchy moody fickle lady

I won 2 admission tickets to the Body Worlds 3 exhibit at the Houston Museum of Natural Science! I've been really looking forward to seeing these plasticized cadavers! Each ticket is worth $22.

I got them because Metro Rail was celebrating its existance and handing out scratch off cards on the platforms the other day. The prizes included 2 Continental Airline tickets, $500 gift certificate at Foley's (same as a Hecht's), Rockets, Astros or Texans tickets, and Science or Arts museum admission tickets (yeah, whatever with paying for museums!).

I thought I'd try my luck again this week with the $235 million Mega Millions jackpot.

Oh. My. GOD. I WON!!!!!! nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll like body worlds. It's pretty cool. They changed the display here in Philly so I think I'm gonna go again.